Obstetrician & Gynecologist
My health hospitals has Best Obstretecian with 10 + years of experience in the field of care in pregnancy and deliveries either normal or C-section with no complications and best results through safe and painless surgery with less hospital stay duration .
Normal delivery, also known as vaginal delivery or natural childbirth, is the most common method of childbirth where the baby is born through the mother's vagina. This process involves the physiological stages of labor, which typically include the early, active, and transitional phases, culminating in the actual delivery of the baby.
Cesarean delivery (C-section) is a procedure used to deliver a baby froem a pregnant female through surgical incisions made in the abdomen and uterus and decision of c section is based on number of factors .
Your obstretician will recommend a C-section if:
After complete evaluation by your surgeon (obstretecian) and anaethetist, you will be take for surgery under spinal anaethesia after explaining the risks to mother and baby (If may occur) and any minor complications related to surgery .
After the patient is taken up for surgery , an abdominal incision given and opened uterine incision is then take to deliver the baby and in some cases forceps may be used for assisted delivery and basic resuscitation for the baby is done by a paediatrician and need for neonatal ICU is determined by babies birth weight and babies condition at delivery.
Once the anesthesia begins to wear off in time from 4-6 hours you will be allowed to drink fluids and also can start breastfeeding as soon as you are ready under the guidance of a trained nurse regarding position and support of the baby .
A C-section usually requires a hospital stay of 2 to 3 days with pain relief medications
Once you are stable and discharged from the hospital , check your C-section scar for any signs of infection. Contact your doctor if:
You must take these precautions to avoid any abnormalities in the mother and baby during pregnancy –
Vaginal births are usually preferred, but in some cases, a C-section is the only safe option. For example, a C-section is the safer option when your baby is breech or you have placenta previa (placenta covers part of the cervix). A C-section carries risks and benefits, which should be discussed with your pregnancy care provider.
The typical C-section takes about 45 minutes from start to finish. After your provider delivers your baby, they'll stitch your uterus and close the incision in your abdomen. Different types of emergencies can arise during a delivery. In some cases, the delivery will happen very quickly, with your baby being delivered in as little as 15 minutes. This is an emergency C-section.
The advantages of a C-section depend on your pregnancy. In most cases, the biggest benefit of a C-section is that it's safer for both you and your baby. When a vaginal birth is risky or could hurt your baby, most providers will turn to a C-section to minimize risks. Sometimes C-sections are unplanned. For example, if your baby's heart rate drops to an unsafe level, an emergency C-section is safer than letting your baby's heart rate decline further.
The majority of people who had a C-section can consider a vaginal delivery in future pregnancies. If you meet the following criteria, your chances of vaginal birth after caeserian (VBAC) are significantly increased:
There isn't a right or wrong answer as to what is more painful because every birth is different. For example, if you opt for an unmedicated vaginal birth, you can expect more pain than someone who had an epidural before a vaginal birth. During a C-section delivery, you won't feel much pain. However, recovering from a C-section may be more painful and take longer than recovering from a natural birth.
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